Welcome To
Smile Homecare LLC
We are non-medical home care agency tailored to provide in-home care services to elderly, disabled, or those in need. Our in-home care services include but not limited to:
- Dressing (in clean, weather appropriate clothing)
- Assistance with ambulation/transferring.
- Changing bed linen
- Toleting/incontinence care
- Assisting with housekeeping
- Grocery shopping
- Dusting of consumer’s bedroom and bathroom.
- Providing companionship and socialization
- Transporting consumer per service plan.
- Assistance with medications.
- Assistance in the kitchen (meal preparation, dishes, washing appliances, garbage removal)
- Grooming- includes bathing, shaving with electric or safety razor, hair care, skin care, mouth care, nail maintenance.

Our agency staff are trained to deliver services based on each consumer’s unique and individual needs and decisions will not be altered solely base on reimbursement source or compensation plan. Services will be provided in a coordinated, effective, appropriate, cost-conscious, and safe manner in accordance with agency goals, objectives, and philosophy.
What Makes Us Different
Smile Home Care is run by dedicated team who strongly respects other’s value and beliefs. Our team comprise of trained home care workers and registered nurses. The managing team members have over 9 years of experience in health care industry. Our team also comprise of members from different ethnicity and background. Most of the members in our teams are fluent in English, Nepali, Hindi, Arabic, Burmese and Swahili.
Our Goal
Our goals and services are based on two fundamental philosophical principles: the belief in the innate worth of the aged and disabled individual; and the belief that each individual, regardless of age, race, color, creed, sex, national origin or handicap(s) is entitled to maximize his potential as a human being and as a member of society.
It is the contention of this Agency that the aging process is a normal state in the development of any individual and that chronic disease and disability are, to some degree, a part of that process. This Agency is dedicated to rehabilitating aged and disabled individuals within the confines of their residence, in order that they may maximize their contributions and fulfill their goals as a family member and member of society with a minimum of conflict. In accomplishing this end, it is felt that the self-respect of the individual can and will be enhanced.
The Agency is also a vital member of its community. As an employer, the Agency practices non-discrimination and strives to provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. As an integral part of the business community, the Agency makes every effort to serve the people with attention to current area practices and specific needs.
How are the services we provide paid?
Medicaid Waiver: Some of the individuals who has medicaid or are eligible for medicaid may quality for medicaid waiver program based on their need and their disability type. Once approved, the services are paid for by medicaid. Please call us for more information.
Private Pay: Those individuals who does not have a personal care coverage through their insurance pay us directly via check or card. Please call us for a quote or free-in home consultation.